Objective: you will cite strong and thorough textual evidence to support analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences and conclusions based on an author’s explicit assumptions and beliefs about a subject.
Complete the Ham on Rye Tone Paragraph Assignment!
Get our your papers from last week. They look like this:
After completing the charts, write one 5-7 sentence paragraph on Loose Leaf Paper according to the following directions:
Sentence 1: (Copy this Topic Sentence) “In the novel, Ham on Rye, the narrator, Henry Chinaski, uses several different tones.”
Sentence 2: For example, . . . (Use your Sentence and Quotations from Section 1).
Sentence 3: In addition, . . . (Use your Sentence and Quotations from Section 2).
Sentence 4: Furthermore, . . . (Use your Sentence and Quotations from Section 3).
Sentence 5: Write a conclusion that re-phrases the topic sentence.
Turn in the paragraph and the completed charts to Mr. Flamm.
You may type your paragraph for Extra Credit. Turn in your typed paragraph on: Edmodo, or by email to: [email protected]