Today's Do-Now:
Open the following PowerPoint file. View the presentation. Answer the questions below:
Open the following PowerPoint file. View the presentation. Answer the questions below:
Objective: Learners will be able to determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used within our readings in order to understand new words.
1. Open PowerPoint and create a new document; save it as English One Vocabulary One. 2. Create a title slide containing "English One Vocabulary One," your name, and your partner's name. 3. Select a vocabulary word from the list on the right, and create a slide for it that includes: a. the word b. its definition c. an image d. a sentence that both, relates to the image, and shows that you understand the word e. the vocabulary word in a different text color (within the sentences). 4. Repeat step 3 (above) 5 more times. |
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